Thursday, July 30, 2015

By Unknown
How's this summer's collection of reverie scents stack up?

I've been waiting for this package to arrive for (what seems like) forever! Last time I took a look at a past reverie, Earl Grey from Haus of Gloi over two years ago. I confess one reason why I dug this scent out was because I was hyped for a new collection of reverie scents from Haus of Gloi! I sampled all but one (because it had patchouli notes and I stay far away from that). This is a little different from my usual reviews because I have only worn each a few times, and typically I like to wear a new scent for at least a week before a more in-depth look.

Blueberry Pie
Simple! Pie crust and blueberries.
This freaked me out a little. On cold sniff and for the first five minutes, it smells exactly like blueberries. Eerily like them. I might as well just swig from the vial because that's how realistic it was. These topnotes are pretty delicate though and flitter off fast. What's left behind is more reminiscent of a blueberry-flavored Eggo waffle. Kind of awkwardly almost blueberry but with faint gooey undertones of overly fragrant artificial sugars. The drydown was like a sweet, yeasty bread with just a tinge of berry. I liked this, but I wish I could get the first five minutes to stick around longer. I am not huge on gourmand scents, I will probably share it with my sister.

Bocca Chica
Rich gardenia blossom, red mandarin, coconut cream and ripe banana. This sounds super fruity, but it is surprisingly not so!
 "This sounds super fruity, but it is surprisingly not so!" - yes, so true, and you know why? Because it surprisingly IS so sunscreen. So very very sunscreen. This is the sunscreen. This is more of a sunscreen than my actual, real sunscreen in a bottle. I was actually pretty excited for the gardenia and mandarin, but seriously, I have nothing to say other than sunscreen. Everything together makes sunscreen. There is no other alternate end result. It doesn't change or morph, I don't pick out little twinkling moments of certain notes. The top notes are sunscreen, the drydown is sunscreen, and everything in between is SPF Delicious+++.

Please don't misunderstand - Bocca Chica is not a bad perfume. I've already worn it three times! But if you're looking for something complex or layered... or... just not sunscreen, you may want to pass.

Brown sugar, lemon zest and benzoin
My younger sister is super into Steven Universe right now, so the name of this perfume makes me think of the creator Rebecca Sugar. Okay, that's out of the way.

Have you ever smelled something that sucker-punched you with a memory that you'd long since forgotten? A scent that awoke some long-dormant memory that was atrophying away in the dark corners of your mind?

Courtesy of
The toy industry had the good scents ( couldn’t resist ) to include this new gimmick in any and every toy, book, and gadget out there – there were oodles of scented dolls.
 I swear, Suggah smells exactly like my 80s Cupcake Doll (pictured above, I owned that exact one). This was one of those one-off toys I'd play with and never even would give a passing thought to know as an adult, but the second I put this perfume on I suddenly recognized it. That strange mix of fragrant plastic and something that's trying its hardest to be vanilla and sugar but is almost somewhere in the uncanny valley of scents. Scented toys were huge in the 80s and 90s, so maybe my olfactory memory isn't that unique, but it was unmistakeable for me.

Did you get a chance to sample this round of reverie scents? Let me know what you think!


  1. The last one seems good, I know that scent of the dolls, 80 cent? I really thought you where in your 18 early 20 ties.

    I always thought I was the only one liking a doll smell.

    1. Not quite, but close! Mid-20s, I received a lot of hand-me-down toys! My younger sister was all about the Kinder Garden Babies though which came along way later, I suspect it's mostly because she would just wear the big flower carrier on her head like a hat.

    2. I was a kid when these dolls were hot. I think they were in around 88 or 89? I am in my early 30 . I had also a doll from my mother that has that particular sweet plastic smell hard to explain.

  2. Oh man, I loooooove love love like crazy love Boca Chica! I was nervous when I started seeing reviews about how coconut-sunscreenish it was, but I was really pleasantly surprised, it's much more floral-banana, hint-of-coconut on me. I've been wearing it all week, and can't get enough~!
    I totally remember having a cupcake doll, though admittedly I had totally forgotten about them! The 80s and early 90s were a wild time for toys.
