Tuesday, July 7, 2015

By Anonymous

Photo Credit to Will Clayton

Has it really been two years?? Time flies when you're covered in glitter. We can't believe that a little over two years ago, Indie Know was just a thought between the five of us.

In the past two years, we've put out 635 posts!

Here are some of the most viewed over the past year:
Shiro is ever popular and we hope that our reviews are helpful!

Without you, our loyal readers, we never would have come so far. As a thank you, we've put together a giveaway of some of our favorite indie products.

The Goods
We've included an assortment of brand new products - eyeshadows, scrubs, perfumes, and an adorable pocket mirror from Meluseena. In the image on the upper left, you'll see a set of gently-loved perfumes that we've decided to pass on. All products will be clearly separated so you'll know what's new and what's not.

This giveaway will end on 7/14. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To all of our readers, those who have been here from the beginning and those who have just stumbled upon us. Thank you so much for your support! 


  1. Hair DYE is hard to find cruelty free , vegan and Indie

    1. That's very true. Hair dye is one of the ones that I'm a little nervous about though since even the commercial stuff - with tons of testing - can burn you. Also, my hair doesn't take color very well so I might not be the best one for that. I'll see if any of the others are willing and interested!

    2. I am going to try henna, I got finally for black hair, that is my hair color, hopefully it will work. I used henna in the past and left me with a red hue I really dislike It doesn't suit me well. I am actually looking for herbal based.

      I have premature graying that is why

    3. Oh! I didn't know they made henna for black hair!! Let me know how it goes!

    4. Me neither.I really hope it leaves hair black, they do have another shades like chestnut , dark and medium brown as far as I recall.

  2. Exciting, two years! I love reading the reviews and seeing new stuff in action.

  3. Your fyrinnae lip lustre review helped me narrow down glamerous rebel and visual kei. I was looking for a more translucent "jelly" finish at the time. :D

    1. Yay!! I'm glad you found it helpful! Which did you end up getting and how did you like it?

  4. I appreciate all of your swatches, they have been so helpful. I'd love to see more face swatches of blush, highlighters, foundation, etc. They don't look the same on faces as on arms. Congrats on 2 years

    1. Thank you! :) We're still a little nervous about face shots but since there have been so many comments, it's definitely something that we'll consider!

  5. Awesome! Thank you guys for doing this. Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

  6. Congratulations on two years; here's to many more! Love your reviews :D

  7. Happy Anniversary! I'd love to see more reviews of face products, especially with face swatches.

    1. Thank you! :) We're still a little nervous about face shots but since there are so many comments on it, it's definitely something that we'll have to consider!

  8. congrats on two years!! i don't think there's anything specific i'd like to see you guys do, just keep posting great swatches and being helpful :)

  9. Congrats on TWO YEARS!!! Wooot wooot! Doing a fantastic job : )

  10. I'd like to see more reviews of brand spankin' new indies. I see a lot on Etsy that I'm hesitant to buy from because of a lack of reviews.

    1. That's a great idea! We try to pick up products from new etsy shops but there are SO many out there that it's hard to pick. Do you have any in particular that you're interested in?

  11. Happy anniversary! I'd love to see follow-up reviews for fragrances, since they so often change over time. A few months after purchasing a fragrance, has it aged for the better or worse?

    1. Thank you!

      That's a great idea! It's something that Lisa's thought about in the past but we weren't sure if there was enough interest! Now that we see that there is, we'll have to look into it again!

  12. I agree with Claire about newer indies. And maybe swatches/reviews of newer highlighters and lip products?

    1. Are there any newer indies that you'd like to see on Indie Know? There are so many out there and I get overwhelmed when looking for things on Etsy. @-)

      Thanks for your comment!

  13. Congrats on 2 years! I'd love to see more reviews of new brands.

    1. Thank you! :) Are there any newer indies that you'd like to see us write about? We try to keep up with the new shops but there are just so many!

  14. Congratulations on your anniversary! I think it would be cool to see a greater variety of skin tones in the swatch gallery - perhaps by asking other bloggers to submit swatches?

    1. Thank you! I definitely agree that more skin tones would be a huge benefit to the swatch gallery. I've had trouble finding people willing to let me put eyeshadow on them to take pictures but inviting other bloggers is a great idea! Are there any that you would recommend?

      We've invited a couple of bloggers that have consistently really good single eyeshadow swatches - a lot of bloggers swatch the entire collection - but since the swatch gallery is a manual process, we've been a little more limited on how many bloggers we can invite. I'd love to hear your suggestions on who to reach out to though!

  15. Happy birthday! Your lip lustre post is what brought on my need for Ghost's Kiss. Now it's my favorite lip product ever. So thank you so much!

    1. Thank you! I love the way ghost kiss looks but it's hard for me to pair sometimes. What are your favorite ways to wear it?

  16. Happy birthday! I'd really like to see more obscure brands, maybe smaller Etsy shops and such. Sorry if this posts twice--I didn't see my first post after publishing it.

    1. Thank you! Are there any shops that you'd like to see? There are so many shops on Etsy and I feel like I'll never get to them all!

  17. I always love seeing your posts, especially Shiro color of the month swatches. I can't really think of anything I'd like to see more of, just keep doing what you're doing.

    1. I'm so glad you like the Shiro CotM posts <3 So it's not a surprise, I wanted to let you know I'm taking a temporary break from them (and scaling back my posting in general for a bit) due to a whole slew of personal reasons. I'm looking forward to getting back to them soon though :)

  18. Reviews of new brands, definitely!! The more reviews, the easier it is to be confident in a purchase from a new shop.

    1. Thank you! Are there any shops that you'd like to see? Indies have been booming lately and we try to keep up but there are just so many!

  19. Congrats on two years! I second the face swatching it'd really help me make a decision on quite a few blushes I've been eying. I can't wait to see what reviews you come out with next!

    1. Thanks! :) We're still a little nervous about face pictures but there have been a ton of comments requesting them so we'll definitely have to consider it!

  20. Congrats! I agree that more swatches and reviews are always needed, especially for those smaller or newer brands that don't have a lot out there yet.

    1. Thanks! Are there any shops that you'd like to see? We try to keep up with the newer indies but they've been popping up left and right!

  21. I love ya'lls site! It was so helpful in learning this whole new side to the beauty industry.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you've been finding it helpful!

  22. Congrats! I really like reading your reviews and look forward to see more looks, to see all these pretty things in action! :)

  23. Congrats on 2 years! Thanks for all the great reviews :)

  24. Grats on the anniversary! Would you guys get more into indie accessories?? =O

    1. Thank you!

      What kind of accessories do you mean? Like hair accessories? Are there any shops that you'd like to see us talk about?

  25. I would love to see more bath and body indie reviews. Thanks so much for showing me the world of indie and congratulations!

    1. No, thank YOU for reading! :))

      We'll definitely keep the bath and body stuff coming!

  26. Congratulations!!! Keep up the great work! I love reading your reviews :)

  27. Congrats! Your blog has been such a great resource, especially the thorough reviews/swatches, and your Company Overviews have introduced me to so many awesome brands. Hope to see more of those in the future!

    1. Thank you!! I'm so glad that you've been finding us helpful! The Company Overview has been our longest lasting feature and we don't see it stopping anytime soon!

  28. I'd love to see more stuff from outside the US (if it exists)!

    1. Are there any shops that you'd like to see? I know that the market seems to be pretty US dominated and I know of a few in Canada and the UK but not many others. I'd love to branch out more!

  29. I'd like to see more UK products reviewed

    1. Sure! Are there any shops you'd like to see? I only know of Future Primitive in the UK and I absolutely LOVE them.

  30. I'm pretty new to indies and makeup in general, so the reviews and company overviews on this site has been of great help to me these past few months. I especially love seeing eye shadow swatches, so.. More please! Happy birthday (b)

    1. Welcome!! May you be forever covered in glitter!! (in a good way and if you like glitter I mean @-) )

      Thank you!! We're glad that you've been finding us helpful!

    2. Glitter is my religion now. It does have a tendency to get all over my face, buuut.. Fuck it, I'm fabulous :)

  31. Would love to see more perfume reviews!

  32. Your swatches and reviews have been tremendously helpful to me! Thank you for providing such a great resource for indie n00bs like myself!

    1. Thank you! We're glad you're finding us useful!!

  33. I love your posts, and I save a lot of them! I love the random swatches that you post up, when you have a handful of eyeshadows or blushes. I'd love to see maybe some more comments with the swatches - you normally just put whatever the description from the site is, but I'd love to see additional commentary about what you think about the color or what other dupes you have for it.

    1. When we started the swatch gallery, I wanted to start doing Temptalia-style dupe lists in the comments but I lost track of that somewhere along the way. It's a fantastic idea. Thanks!!

  34. Happy anniversary! cheer I just really got into indies this year and it's crazy how much variety there is! I'd love to see more fragrance and bath/body reviews

    1. Thank you and welcome!! I've been really into bath and body recently so more are definitely coming!

  35. I'd love to see cross-company reviews eg the best indie finishing powder for x, y, z, different contours, that kind of thing.

    1. That's a great idea! Thanks for your comment!

  36. I'd love to hear more about indie and/or artisan shaving products! I use a boar brush and shaving soap, so this would be so much to hear about from you guys! :)

    1. ooooooo That's a great idea! I've been pestering some of my guy friends into trying beard oils but my clean-shaven ones might be willing to help us out with shaving products. Do you have any shops that you're interested in or that you would recommend?

  37. I think Destiny Randall's Idea for follow-up reviews on fragrances is excellent - hearing how it's aged would help out just as much as knowing what it's like fresh. Maybe pick a few to review after 3, 6, 9 or 12 months? Or maybe a poll too see what people are most curious about. More diversity in the skin tones used for swatches would be fantastic as well, especially with how many of both you put so much time and effort in to! I'd also love to see more unusual lip colours reviewed. Congratulations on two years of Indie Know thriving!

    1. Thank you!!

      We agree, that's a great idea! And I'd love to have more skin tone diversity for swatches. I've so far been unlucky in finding someone of a different skintone to swatch on but I'll keep an eye out for bloggers who could contribute to the swatch gallery. Do you know of any that we could reach out to?

  38. Congrats on two years! Love the reviews and effort put into swatches, just getting into indies. Fragrance and bath/body reviews are always fun to see. Comparison reviews mentioned previously would be awesome as well.

    1. Thank you!!

      Perfume reviews we can definitely do and I've got a shelf of bath and body products waiting to be soaked in so stay tuned!! Comparison reviews are a great idea! We'll need to find someway to integrate those into our posting schedule!

  39. Happy Birthday IndieKnow! I just read the beginners guide to scents, wish I read it before I started sinking all my money into experimenting. More beginner guides will always be useful!

    1. Thank you!!

      The beginner's series is one of the projects that we'd love to put more time into. With your support, that moves it higher up the list! Thanks for your comment!

  40. yay congratulations (h) always find your reviews so helpful!

  41. Congratulations! Your reviews and swatches introduced me to many now beloved companies. Hope you guys continue going strong!

  42. I love IndieKnow as a resource, particularly seeing a ton of swatches under the same conditions! In the future, I'd love to see more looks with all your awesome collections :)

    1. Thank you!! More EoTD's are definitely on the agenda!!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Indie clothing is a little out of our expertise but we can definitely take a look! Thanks for your comment!

  44. I can't believe it's only been two years! I've only gone indie for a few months and it feels like an eternity. Thank you for always having lovely, detailed swatches!

  45. Congrats! I think it would be cool to see more comparison posts, like possible dupes.

    1. Thank you!! Comparison posts are definitely on our radar. Thanks for the suggestion!

  46. Whoops, did that wrong! Congrats again, you have so many reviews for only 2 years! Thanks and well done, it's truly a valuable indie resource here. I would love to see more Shiro custom glosses, please!

    1. I love that idea! Are you interested in seeing anything in particular? Normal colors, weird colors, dupes of mainstream shades, etc?

    2. Thank you! Shiro is AG's field so I'll let you and her talk :)

  47. Love the variety of indie products you guys review! Would love to see some comparisons between primers and sticky bases on different skin types.

    1. I actually have a primer test in the works right now but I hadn't thought to include different skin types. That's a great idea! thanks!

  48. i'd love to see more lipsticks, particularly in unusual colors!

    1. Sure! Do you have any brands in particular that you'd recommend?

  49. I stumbled on your blog a couple of months ago, and I love that this blog is all dedicated to indie! For me, it's like the Temptalia for indie products. So thank you for your work and congratulations!! :) Will be happy to join the giveaway.

    1. !!!!!!!!! That's the biggest compliment!!! :) :) :) Thank you!!

  50. Oh, and in the future I'd like to see a bunch of reviews, as I love to read those. As Shannan said, lipsticks in unusual colours are my favourite! Maybe from Makeupmonsters? I've been eyeing them for a while :)

    1. I think we can handle that! Wipe Out has been calling my name :D

  51. Congratulations on Two Years!! Your Reviews helped me so much and I Love your swatches!! Thanks for this opportunity for this Giveaway!

    1. Thank you! We're glad to have been of help!

  52. Congratulations on two years, and here's hoping for many, many more anniversary's! Your reviews and swatches are a huge part of what I base my purchases on when trying new indie companies, or experimenting with colors I don''t usually try to wear! Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you!! We're hoping to be around for a long time. :) :) We're glad to be of help!!

  53. I really find it handy to have giveaways that are open to at least USA and Canada that offer bonus entries for sharing the giveaway on my blogs. My readers like giveaways, so this brings both your blog and my blog more readers.
    Several of our readers are also bloggers, so that spreads the news even further.
    I would also like to see free blogger opps these are of great interest to our readers too.

    1. Most of our readers aren't bloggers and we don't want to give anyone an advantage over others. What do you mean by free blogger opps? I haven't heard that term before. Thanks for your comment!

  54. I love when you include eye looks with shadow reviews and would love to see more!

    1. I'm so glad the eye looks are helpful! I definitely plan to keep including them in all my shadow reviews, and we've also got some plans in the work to show more eye looks in general. Seeing the product in action can be so important when you're trying to decide whether to spend your hard-earned cash on it! Thanks for your comment!

  55. Congrats on your anniversary guys! I really enjoy seeing the occasional looks that pop up here, I'd love to see some more of those.

    1. Thanks! More EoTD's are definitely on the agenda!
