Thursday, October 30, 2014

By Kristin

Back in January of 2013, Fyrinnae changed their eyeshadow formula. What does this mean?

Well, from the website:
*** In January 2013, Fyrinnae's loose eye shadows were reformulated. This will most likely reduce fallout (during application and wearing) and may increase wear time. Product will appear clumpy in the jar, and the liquid additives can cause some shades to appear darker at times. This is also likely to affect pressing results for those who do so at home. Ingredient list below was updated to reflect the changes. ***
But do they look different? Do you need to repurchase all of your old eyeshadows? Is it time to mourn for beloved shades lost?

I was lucky enough to swap for a batch of Fyrinnae eyeshadows in the old formula and decided to take a look at the differences. I have a few more that didn't make it into this post so keep an eye out for more comparisons in part 2!

In these pictures, the new formula will be the jar in the upper right and the old formula in the lower left. Eyeshadows have been swatched over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Pixie Epoxy. Photos taken outside in direct sunlight.

First up, Dragon's Wing.

New Dragon's Wing is a tad bit more muted in color than Old Dragon's Wing. The shimmer is less in-your-face and more of a subtle shine.

However, I saw the complete opposite in Electro-Koi.

The added shimmer in New Electro-Koi brings out much more of a gold effect than the shimmer in Old Electro-Koi. As for the shade of the base eyeshadow, they both looked virtually identical to me.

Fire Opal, on the other hand.

Slight shade variation between Old Fire Opal and New Fire Opal. The red notes are stronger in Old Fire Opal but when seen from afar, I don't think it's enough to be apparent.

And lastly for today, Gilded Wings!

This shade showed the most differences between the new formula and old formula. It almost looks like a completely different eyeshadow! Old Gilded Wings has a much stronger orange tone and the gold shimmer is a highlight. New Gilded Wings is more yellow and the shimmer looks more like a metallic finish instead of a glow.

In summary, I didn't find that there were consistent differences between the old formula and the new formula but there were very small variations in a number of cases. I, personally, don't believe that the shade differences are enough to cause a panic but you may see slight differences.

However! I've seen some reports that there have also been very slight variations in shade between different batches in recently sold Fyrinnae eyeshadows so any differences in shade shown here may actually be from tiny variations in batch and not from formula in general. Just something to keep in mind!

Have you seen any differences between new Fyrinnae shadows and the older variations? 


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