Tuesday, May 6, 2014

By Unknown

After our Company Overview post about Possets, the owner got in touch with us and kindly offered to send some free samples of her favorites our way. This is the fifth of the samples I've tried: Howl. Inspired, of course, by Allen Ginsberg's 1955 poem by the same name, introduced as part of the limited edition Summer 2013 Poetry collection, and voted into the general catalog as a customer favorite at the end of its first run.

Price: $12.50 for a 5 mL amber glass bottle of perfume oil with polyseal cap.
Samples: Available as part of a 6-pack for $12.50.
(More details about price and shipping can be found in our Company Overview post about Possets.)
Description from the website:

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness...
 ---Allen Ginsberg Howl

Perhaps the iconic poem of the Beat Generation, Howl needed to be cast as a perfume. By "cast" I mean to make a mold of it, as in the lost wax process, so that you can feel the time it portrays with your mind through scent. This was a time of big perfumes, the discovery of patchouli, cigarette smoke, chypre with a wild touch of something from the east. There was sweat and sex, the world was discovered for the first time.

Possets' interpretation of Howl is unabashedly sexy, driven mad by welling passions. Black, red and amber musks wrestle furiously with sandalwood and opium tar resin. There is nothing light, sweet, or gentle about this scent. A burning incense backs it up, black patchouli stands in the forefront. Dark, musky, resinous.

Tremendously savage, dark and sweet like molasses rather than sugar.

...and yet, there is something innocent about it all."

My thoughts:

What sphinx of chocolate and red musk bashed open their skulls and ate up their nasal passages?

Moloch! Toffee! Sugar! Amber! Cocoa and stubbed-out cigarettes! Lotus-eaters nursing opium pipes! Brownies made of incense! Reviewers sneezing uncontrollably!

Moloch! Moloch! Moloch of filthy musks and melting ambers! Moloch of patchouli caramels! Moloch of maple syrup sex! Moloch of ashes and brown sugar!

Moloch made of rich creamery butter! Moloch king of the diabeetus! Visions of gourmandise and fire! Beeswax candles burning smoke of black musk! Moloch the everlasting on skin!

Epiphanies! Despairs! Enjoyment destroyed by allergies! Gone down the Ohio River.

(Other opinions: Scenthussy, Possets forums)
Note: this scent is vegan.


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