Thursday, May 1, 2014

By Kristin
Black Rose Minerals was one of my first indies! I was drawn in by the bright, sparkly colors and the large shadow selection.

Eyeshadows come closed with a rose-printed tape and in a plastic bag. The tape is a little annoying to remove, especially when you have a lot of eyeshadows but doesn't leave an annoying lingering residue. BRM usually tosses in a few random extras (like the bat wings and erasers in this pic).

LOTS of eyeshadow. BRM has several eyeshadow collections and stand alone colors in their permanent line. In my experience, they have not offered any limited edition items. Eyeshadows are offered in a variety of finishes (including an extensive matte selection) and are sorted on their website via color, finish, or collection. [Note: as of this writing, BRM's main website is going through an overhaul and their storenvy is functioning as their website]

BRM also has 5 blushes.

Products are offered as sample baggies (1/8 tsp) or in sample jars (1/4 tsp).

 I've really liked the eyeshadows that I've gotten from BRM. They all are very pigmented and blend well. I do think that BRM has a lot of very similar eyeshadows. So it's not necessary to buy their entire line.

Reasonable, especially in bulk.

Mini Jars are $2.50 each unless purchased in a bulk set (like their you pick 6 set) then the cost is reduced to $2 each.

Full sized eyeshadows are $6 each. The bulk set drops the price to $5 each.

BRM also frequently offers sales of 10% or 20%. Keep an eye on their facebook page for sales information.

Customer Service:
Rosa is very nice though she does not offer refunds on purchases, even when TAT is passed so keep that in mind when ordering.

TAT is listed as a long 14-35 days and often being closer to the 35 day limit than not. The last purchase that I made with BRM was during a sale and took almost 4 months to arrive. The owner had posted on their facebook page about some personal issues during this time and I have heard that the TAT is back within the stated range but I have not made an order since then.

Ships through USPS and starts at $3.50 for within the US.

Personal Thoughts:
I think BRM has some great products and if you don't mind a long TAT, are well worth giving a try.

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