Thursday, July 10, 2014

By Kristin
Welcome to the wonderful world of Madd Style Cosmetics! We've posted plenty of their eyeshadows as swatch posts in the past but here we take a look at their brand as a whole.

Madd Style Cosmetics is a vegan brand. To our vegan friends out there who struggle finding bold reds and pinks, this is definitely a brand to check out. I have never found MSC eyeshadows to suffer in pigmentation.

Products come in plastic baggies. Eyeshadows have sifters which are sealed with a colored sticker and lip products are shrink wrapped. The sticker is a little annoying to take off but wedge a nail under the edge and it'll eventually come up.

MSC has a large assortment of eyeshadows and they continue to add to the lineup with eyeshadow collections that are eventually integrated into the rest of the eyeshadow listings. They also offer limited edition, themed eyeshadow collections that are not available for individual sale. Once these collections pass the peak period, they are often marked down in price but are not sold after the sets run out.

They also have a collection of lipbalms in different scents that rotate depending on availability. I personally have ones in Nutella and Birthday Cake (currently not available) and they both smell fantastic.

There are a couple blushes and a finishing powder listed.

To top it off, MSC has been offering a subscription box since last August. I haven't ordered it but other reviews online look pretty good. MSC promises each box will include at least two exclusive, full-sized eyeshadows, at least two deluxe samples and a surprise. Ellie at reviewed her box last October and it looks like MSC is playing around with entering the perfume field.

Instead of offering individual samples of their eyeshadows, MSC offers eyeshadow "sets." These are groups of eight pre-selected eyeshadows under specific groupings. There is the Dr. Who Mattes set, the Neutrals Set and the Rainbow Set. Each set costs $8.

The eyeshadows are fantastic. The Dr Who Mattes are some of my favorite indie matte eyeshadows. They're vibrant and blend beautifully together. Some of the shimmery shadows are a little too glittery for my tastes but I can't say anything bad about the quality here. I'm especially impressed with how vibrant their red eyeshadows come out, given that they're a vegan brand and stay away from carmine.

I also really enjoyed their lipbalms. I'll post a full review eventually but for now I'll just say that they were smooth on application and smelled delicious.

Individual eyeshadows are $5/each but MSC has a 5 eyeshadows for $20 deal that has been around since I've started shopping with them. They will also occasionally have a 3 eyeshadows for $10 deal (usually during the holiday season).

Customer Service:
I have never needed to contact MSC so personally have no experience here.

Madd Style Cosmetics runs on a 6-12 day turn-around-time. This is subject to change during the busier seasons.
The last order that I placed with MSC was during the Christmas sale season. I received a shipping notice 11 days after I placed my order and it was in my hands 16 days after that. In previous, non-holiday times, I've had the order in my hands within 13 days of making the purchase. 

In the US, shipping starts at $3 and increases depending on the amount purchased. Pretty standard.

Personal Thoughts:
Overall, I think MSC is a great brand. They've been around since 2010 according to their FAQ page and I'm a little surprised that I don't hear more about them.

One thing to note, product pictures on the MSC website are usually not very color accurate. Make sure to look for other swatches before purchasing!

Have you tried MSC?

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  1. Replies
    1. Here's a bunch of swatch posts that we've done in the past!

      I hope you like them!
