Tuesday, June 3, 2014

By Unknown

Lily of the valley is one of my favorite perfume notes, so on the basis of that note, I was tempted into getting a decant of the limited edition Le 1er Mai (The First of May), one of the more recent scents from Blooddrop. Lily of the valley, or muguet, is famously a scent that can't be naturally extracted and must be artificially recreated--Diorissimo being the most famous recreation of its scent. It is a flower traditionally given as a gift in France on the 1st of May. Although we've now lurched into June and its accompanying violent summer heat in my neck of the woods, the lily of the valley plants in my area are still blooming, and their tiny white bell-shaped flowers still make everything feel like springtime.

Price: $15 for a 5 mL amber glass bottle of perfume oil.
Samples: Not available for limited edition scents such as this one.
Shipping: More details on shipping can be found in our Company Overview post about Blooddrop.
Description from the website: "Lily of the valley, blue chamomile, linden blossom, green cognac, and copaiba balsam."

My thoughts:
This is a delicious little green-floral scent, sweet and fresh and clear--because it smells so clean, it hints at laundry detergent to me, but I think it's lovely nonetheless. The lily of the valley note is more evident to me when it's wet, but as it dries on the skin, the scent shifts more towards honeyed linden and herbal chamomile. It hangs around fairly close to the skin, so it's not the type of powerful floral that can clear a room or ruin someone's dinner--I'd actually love it as a scent for a shampoo, although I feel like perhaps it's sort of insulting to perfumers to say so? It feels gauzy and romantic to me, pretty and pleasant, the type of scent you might wear if you were frolicking in a meadow in a long white dress (possibly in a shampoo commercial). If you're a fan of lily of the valley, I recommend checking it out while you still can--it's listed on the site as coming down in early June or "as supply remains," so it may not be available for much longer.

This scent is vegan.


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