Tuesday, June 23, 2015

By Unknown
Darling Clandestine's Electricity So Fine
Does Electricity So Fine send sparks flying? Or is this a fizzle?

Sometimes I don't know what to make of a fragrance. I often write how I feel like my nose just isn't quite cultured enough to fully appreciate certain nuanced, multi-faceted perfumes with loads of depth. But in the case of Darling Clandestine's Electricity So Fine, I just can't tell if the blend doesn't work on my skin or it just isn't for me...

Electricity So Fine

10mL glass bottle for $14.00 USD, bitsy solid for $4.00 USD
A night-black canvas of artemisia absinthum and mosses and blackest tea and port wine, splashed with an electric sizzle of sparkling violets.
I admit it. I'm weak. I'm easily persuaded, especially when it comes to the opinions of my family. Initially I was ambivalent towards Electricity So Fine (or ESF as it says on my itsy bitsy solid). But when I applied it around my mother, she was so repulsed and disgusted, I found myself trying to wash it off my wrists to appease her. (Spoiler alert: ESF is heady and strong and WILL cling to any fabric you're wearing... meaning the cuffs of my bathrobe were already a lost cause.)

I waffled back and forth for weeks on whether or not I liked this scent. Some days I did! Other days it turned my stomach. I have no clue what "artemisia absinthum smells like, but this is a dark, "purpley" scent. I suspect it is on some brach of the family tree along with Blue Valentine and Supernova Sway. Heady, almost like a powdered, boozy floral. In the case of ESF the "sparkling violets smell more like they were left in a damp place to decay a little... I don't know how to word that without making it sound disappointingly unflattering.

When I was younger, I received a very fancy bar of handsoap from an aunt during Christmas. That's really not the sort of thing you get a kid who is hankering for a Tamogatchi (hint hint) - I remember my mother suggesting I put the bar of soap in one of my drawers to keep my clothing smelling nice. Unfortunately, it backfired and turned my entire bureau into a stinkbomb. Something about ESF smells familar and tickles that long-buried memory.

Duration: Maybe if ESF didn't seep into every fabric and crack within my skin, maybe if it evaporated quickly it'd give me time to miss it and dwell on its positive qualities in its absence. But it's more like a house guest who decides they're going to lie all over your linens whenever they come to visit, leaving them to smell less like you and more like said guest once they leave. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this fragrance isn't a pushover and will muscle its way through to make sure it gets plenty of attention. 

Score: 1.5/5

I don't like to leave such a low review, but this simply would not be a repurchase for me. In fact, I didn't even like taking the bitsy vial out to photograph... now my fingertips will smell for hours and hours without end! While my aversion isn't quite as violent as some other fragrances (Haus of Gloi's Ruth, I'm looking at you!!) it's probably one of my least-liked Darling Clandestine pics. Not everything can be a winner, and sometimes a dud can really make you appreciate your favorites!

Have you tried this scent before? (Is my nose broken??) Share your thoughts!


  1. I wasn't a fan either! It's currently in my destash pile.

    1. While it's too bad you didn't enjoy it, it's nice knowing I've got some company at least!
