Sunday, December 13, 2015

By Unknown
Future Primitive Yule Bath and Body

Future Primitive 
Yule 2015 Collection

It’s Winter! It’s Winter! Rejoice for it’s Winter! This shouldn’t be too long of a post because my butt is going to go hang out in front of Muppets Christmas Carol with a big old mug of hot chocolate. I’m sure Kristin will turn me into a liar once she adds her massive haul to my 2 little bars soaps and bath powder. My samples went to AG. So, let’s go examine the awesomeness that is Future Prim’s Yule Collection!

Future Primitive Yule Ebenezer Bar Soap
Ebenezer Bar Soap


A miserly cold winter breath moans down a chimney breast and into a dark, grey-washed room. The scent of frosted pine needles & eucalyptus leaves encased in ice make way for a hopeful splash of clean lemongrass & fresh lime. 100% Essential oil blend.  
I got this as bar soap. Dry, it has a very strong lemongrass smell, so I’m saving it for my post Christmas blues when I’m going to need a pick-me-up. Citrus always does the trick for me. I cut off a super thin slice to wash my hands with though so I could give you some idea of what I thought. All soaped up on my hands, it smells like lemongrass with a miserly iciness. I’m not sure if it’s the eucalyptus or pine, but I love the idea of citrus and winter, and this really does that. (And OH MY GOD I LOVE THOSE GLITTERY STARS!)

Kristin adds: A bubbling sugar buff for me. I agree with Jessye here. In scrub form, the lemongrass is probably the strongest note that I get but it's balanced out by the minty eucalyptus. In the shower it softens a bit so you're not immediately smacked in the face by lemongrass but it's definitely a scent that evokes the image of COLD.

Future Primitive Yule Glacial Bar Soap


A crisp, cool invigorating winters day. Mild menthol air, pine sap, black spruce wood chips & eucalyptus leaf laid down on a bed of dreamy lavender & cedarwood. Fragrance blend.
This was my other bar of soap. I think I did it a disservice by buying it as a bar soap. It’s really softly scented, smelling lightly of creamy mint. Mr. J says it smells like those mint chocolate chips with the nonpareil on the bottom. I’m really looking forward to Kristin’s notes on this, because I feel like I lost a lot of this scent as bar soap.

Kristin adds: Another bubbling sugar buff for me. Oddly though, for me, the mint is barely detectable in this form. I get more of an herbal but woodsy scent that's almost incense-esque. It's a crisp, cool scent that's perfectly in-season for winter.


White winter birch bark, crackling forest fires in the north woods, a flagon of whiskey, a waft of rich men's cologne and a bowl of softly smouldering frankincense and myrrh resins. Fragrance and essential oil blend.
I got this as a vanishing bath powder. In the bag, it’s this great masculine scent, woody and heady, but not overpowering. I put a bag in the bath and inhaled deeply…and then I inhaled again…and then I put a second bag in the bath. With the second bag, it lightly scented the water for me to a soft masculine blend, nothing really sticking out. I’m also really interesting in seeing how this scent plays out in a different product.

Kristin adds: Another bubbling sugar buff (my last one from this batch). I'm very conflicted about this one. The smokiness is strong from the beginning but I'm finding it hard breaking it down to what kind of smoky it is. It's not a cooking smoke or a tobacco scent but it's almost sweet. I do get some of that resin behind it. I can't decide if I actually like this one or not but it's certainly interesting.

Kristin adds: Ah here we go - finally onto my whipped soaps. So the first thing of note was that of my four whipped soaps, half of them were in different size jars than the others. I assume it's just a packaging difference but it was a little odd - especially since the labels are all the same size and say the same amounts. The taller jars do look a little less packed full than the shorter jars so I'm assuming they have about the same amount of product - though I honestly have no idea. Not a concern for me but thought I'd mention it for the curious.

Marshmallow Eggnog

Creamy eggnog blended with vanilla buttercream, cinnamon and nutmeg and decorated with little bouncy Marshmallows. Fragrance blend.
Kristin adds: To me, in whipped soap form, the vanilla and sugar are the strongest scents. The sweetness smells reminiscent of Sylph from the general catalog - I think if you like Sylph, this might be a good choice for you. I can't detect any added spice in this form but it's definitely a scent for gourmand lovers. The vanilla is creamy in a warmed milk kind of way. But for me, this doesn't really smell like the eggnog that I'm used to.

Kristin: I did, however, shove it at my friend Greg who says that it smells exactly like eggnog to him. So, your mileage may vary depending on your eggnog experiences.

Edit: Okay so I tried Marshmallow Eggnog a few more times and when applied directly (not with a loofa), the vanilla fades back and the spices come to the front. No clue why I missed that the first few times. Derp.

Different jars

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Rich and delicious hot cocoa infused with a combination of indian peppermint, madagascan vanilla oil and decadent cocoa absolute. Fragrance and essential oil blend.
 Kristin: This has been a pretty entertaining Yule season for me since my Haus of Gloi Yule Reverie package came in around the same time as the Future Prim. They coincidentally have a lot of scents that one would assume might be similar. I'll probably do a more complete compare and contrast post in the near future but just as an FYI to anyone who might have sniffed it, Future Prim's Peppermint Hot Cocoa is pretty different from the Haus of Gloi Peppermint Cocoa.

Kristin: Peppermint Hot Cocoa is basically a York Peppermint Pattie in scent form. The peppermint is soft in a creamy way and balances well with the darker chocolate scent. Listed above is the description from the website but my label actually reads "& extra chunks of dark chocolate" at the end which I think is a much better descriptor. The chocolate note is definitely a more solid and dark bar instead of the creamy milk chocolate one thinks of with hot cocoa.

Future Primitive Yule Bath and Body Bar Soap
Marshmallow Eggnog on the left and Smoked Mexican Chocolate on the right

Smoked Mexican Chocolate

Slabs of darkest chocolate infused with vanilla bean pods, rum ripened raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg dust, finished with the faintest hint of hearth smoke. Fragrance blend.
Kristin: Definitely a dark chocolate scent. I didn't think that I'd like the smoky note but it works really well with the depth of the chocolate here. Unlike Marshmallow Eggnog, Smoked Mexican Chocolate is all spice from the beginning. It's the kind of Mexican Hot Chocolate that might be just a little too well spiced for my taste-buds but in soap form, it's excellently complex.


A warming blend of hot milk, honey & oatmeal with a sugary lick of pure white marzipan. Like a cuddle from Grandma with an additional 'there there'. Fragrance blend.
Kristin: The marzipan is actually the dominant scent for me in this whipped soap. It's a soft but sweet vanilla in almost a smooth frosting way. There's not much else I can say about this one. It's a pretty simple one and I like it.

Included business card

Final Thoughts

As always, Future Prim made a great collection with a little something in there for probably everyone. I missed out on Yule Part 2, so you’ll have to tell me all about it! I can’t wait to see their Valentine’s collection!

Kristin adds: Er..well, I bought stuff from Yule Part 2. >.>


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