Sunday, June 19, 2016

By Unknown

Haus of Gloi 
Summer 2016 Refreshers

Last year, I didn’t much see a refresher that looked up my alley. And honestly, they were white. That was just a little too weird for a relative newbie to the indie world. And I’m not a huge fan of body sprays to perfumes, so I just didn’t bother. But this year, a couple caught my eye. So I snapped them up and waited impatiently for the moment I could try them.

For those that don’t like the headiness and longevity of perfumes, these are great- a light spritz on skin and mine only last about an hour. For more longevity, spritzing them more heavily on fabric seems to keep them around longer, though it seems reapplication will be required for scent the whole day. Or you can change them out as suits your mood. Here are the two scents I got:

Sea Spa Refresher

A smooth and clean blend of salty sandalwood, oceanic notes, sage and jasmine tea. Finished with a touch of Moroccan orange blossom water.
When I first smelled this, right when it arrived, it was a bright ocean note. Once it settled, it muddled a little for me. I think it’s the tea. Tea rarely smells good to me in perfumes, which is so sad because goodness if I don’t think I’ll like them. But it could have been the sage too. Sage does not like my skin. For most, this is going to be a lovely ocean scent, sitting somewhere between Driftwood and Selkie- slightly closer to Driftwood in its smoothness, but that sage makes it a little brighter and bringing it back to between the two.

Peppermint & Wood

Local peppermint, crushed clary sage and cedarwood.
From the first moment, this smelled like startlingly bright zingy peppermint. More amazingly, it doesn’t disappear in seconds. It settles a little later on, allowing you to smell the woods deeper in the scent. This is beyond belief the most perfect peppermint ever. It is so clearly PEPPERMINT, no wishy washy vanilla-ed mint or touches of mint hidden by other things. This is peppermint- Brain-clearing, bracing, bright, and a little chilling to the touch. I must admit to not really smelling the sage at all and the woods only a little, but really I do love that peppermint soooooooo much.

Final Thoughts

This are a great summer idea. So light and fresh and most of these scents won’t bring the buggies to you. I don’t spend nearly enough time anywhere with bugs in the summer to warrant the bug spray, but I must admit to being very curious. Have any of you tried it? How’s its efficacy? Let us know in the comments! We love to hear from you!


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